The piece Jamey returned to Minneapolis to make (along with gaining a sprained ankle and broken teeth) will be seen in its most final form to date on Friday, November 19 and Saturday, November 20, 2010 at Patrick’s Cabaret. Show time is 8pm. Pre-sale tickets can be purchased for $8 from Jamey (email her) or at the door for $10.
And now introducing the members of the Garner Group:
Katy Becker, Three Dances alum and a healer for creating clear hearts, double master’s degrees and an incredible dancer…
Mica Cornell, Suzanne discovered Mica and Jamey kept her, she’s amazing…
Lightsey Darst, survived all of the Ballet Box compartments and keeps coming back for more…southern women and their dark streaks….
Don Mabley Allen, you all thought he was an actor…he’s also a damn fine dancer…
Arturo Miles, hip hop master, also survived a Ballet Box compartment and dreamy to boot…
Liz Shoenborn, has been through all the incarnations of Antique’s Daughter, in all of the various performances of said incarnation, and is a young firecracker talent…
and Jamey…you can read all about her under the About tab in this website…
Photo courtesy of Digital Crush Photography