Tag Archives: Jamey

Ballet Box Compartment 4

Choreographed by Jamey Garner Photo courtesy of Scott Pakudaitis

Ballet Box Compartment 3

Choreographed by Jamey Garner Photo courtesy of Scott Pakudaitis

Ballet Box Compartment 2

Choreographed by Jamey Garner

Ballet Box Compartment 1

Choreographed by Jamey Garner Photo courtesy of Scott Pakudaitis

Double Knit

Choreographed by Brinsley Davis and Jamey Garner

Shawna and Shana

Choreographed by Jamey Garner


Choreographed by Jamey Garner


Choreographed by Jamey Garner Photo courtesy of Scott Pakudaitis


Choreographed by Brinsley Davis and Jamey Garner A duet created to music by the Amoebic Ensemble, featuring Steven Jobe.